April! The bringer of Spring - well, sort of, as it's currently 42F/4C, and that's only the "Real Feel" because it's finally sunny. Bleurgh.
Nonetheless, it's time for April Objectives.
Nonetheless, it's time for April Objectives.
- Gastronomical - there are a million restaurants and bars in the neighbourhood. We go to the same ones all the time. So it's time for a new one a week. Hooray! [Note: this has already been achieved for Week One. Huzzah!]
- Environmental - Gardening! Trying to do something every day. Yesterday I took photos for the arborist who is going to trim our trees, and I'm going to do something today - check out what it is that we need to do this month, basically. Hooray!
- Cultural - I have Adobe Light Room. I don't know how to use it. I would like to learn that. This month is the month!