Mini resolutions for the willpower-less and short attention spanned.

Mini resolutions for the willpower-challenged and short-attention-spanned.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

April 2014: Mid-term Update

Given that it's halfway through April, it's time for mid-terms - how am I doing?
  1. Running.  To date, I've done week 2 of the couch to 5k training.  It's going okay, although my knee is a little sore.  I'm trying to roll my knee, stretch, and ice it to keep it in shape.  But it's nice to get out and about, particularly given that the blossom is finally coming out, it's warmer but there are still April showers to keep one cool (I am one of the rare people who love running in the rain). 
  2. Press Ups.  Oof.  I've managed week one, so I'm behind schedule, but going to be on time from now on - for real.  Honest.  
We are also restarting the Kardashian challenge - albeit we're not doing the multiplier, but we have added a third person so we have an additional layer of peril. 

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